Our Career Together program:
Get paid, gain skills, & explore new passions.


CTers, after their first semester, can opt-in to Career Together, our job placement and career development program.


A Truly Unique Work Experience

We believe that the future of college must include real-life work experience that prepares you with the soft and technical skills necessary to be flexible within and succeed in a constantly changing economy. Earning money in school should not just be a means to an end. It should be an enriching experience that adds to your overall learning. In CT, you’ll be placed with a workforce partner matched to your experience and the skills that you want to forge. Most Learners work a minimum of 20 hours per week.


Work That Fits School
(…and vice versa)

You’ll be placed at a trusted work partner that has been vetted beforehand. This means a work experience and environment that will be fair, supportive, and respectful.

All of our partners buy into the CT experience & understand that you are a student, as well as a valued new member of their team. Every week, we’ll help you coordinate your work, learning, and general life schedules — and with everything that may come up in the messiness that can be learning and life.


Personalized Coaching & Mentorship

You’ll be assigned a Work Mentor, in addition to your CT Learning Coach. All of this means that we’ll be able to advocate for you and work as a whole team to support you in your CT journey. Every week, you’ll have regular check-ins about work with your Coach. CT will be in touch every two weeks with your workplace and, together, we’ll give you regular feedback on how you’re doing. We’ll also advocate for you for raises, promotions, and be dedicated to your growth as a professional.


Take a peek at a few of our workforce partners…


Ready to start your learning & earning journey? Get in touch to the right. Or click the button below to apply!